
Top 10 Accenture Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Get ready for your Accenture interview by mastering the top 10 interview questions frequently asked by the company. This guide provides detailed explanations and sample answers to help you succeed.

Tell me about yourself.

This is a common question asked in many interviews, including those at Accenture. When answering this question, it's important to provide a brief overview of your background, education, and relevant work experience

Interview Process

Usually, the interview process at Accenture involves the following three rounds: 1. Online Assessment Test 2. Technical Interview 3. HR Interview

Online Assessment Test

This first round is a little difficult among all the other rounds as it is an eliminator round. Accenture online assessment tests are designed to examine the cognitive function and ability of the appearing candidates. 

Technical Interview

If you clear the online test, then you will be called for the technical interview. The technical round mainly focuses to evaluate the coding & problem-solving skills of the candidate. The candidates should have basic knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and other computer science-related subjects like OS, DBMS, CN, etc. in order to ace the technical interview. 

HR Interview

The HR Interview is the final round to select a candidate as an employee at Accenture since it helps to determine a candidate’s personality and other related aspects. Here the questions can be asked are of a varied range starting from your introduction, qualification, experience, hobbies, strengths & weaknesses, salary expectations, etc.

Why do you want to work for Accenture?

When answering this question, it's important to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Accenture as a company. Research the company beforehand and identify specific reasons why you are interested in working for them.

How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?

Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively is crucial in any professional setting. In my previous roles, I have developed a systematic approach to prioritize tasks and ensure that deadlines are met.

How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?

Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively is crucial in any professional setting. In my previous roles, I have developed a systematic approach to prioritize tasks and ensure that deadlines are met.

Looking for Jobs in Accenture?

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